
PS5 Slim: Sony Is the Sole Beneficiary

Sony recently revealed its new model of the PlayStation 5, which some believe to be a "Slim" version or PS5 Slim. But does this model offer what the slim versions from previous generations by Sony provided?

Sony recently revealed its new model of the PlayStation 5, which some believe to be a "Slim" version or PS5 Slim. But does this model offer what the slim versions from previous generations by Sony provided?

Key Features of PS5 Slim!

The standout feature of the new model is its smaller size, which is 30% less than the regular model. Perhaps this won't be as noticeable as the difference between the regular PlayStation 4 and its slim version or even PlayStation 3 and its slim version.

Another significant difference is the presence of a removable disc in the PS5 Slim, which can be removed, added, or purchased separately for $80. Additionally, there's an increase in storage space, now totaling 1 terabyte compared to the original model's 825 gigabytes.

Typically, Sony releases slim versions of PlayStation consoles to provide more features to users and encourage them to purchase the device. The most prominent of these features is usually a lower price, which seems notably absent in the PS5 Slim, expected to be priced at $450.

Moreover, slim versions of home consoles often come with doubled internal storage space, but in this new model, we only get a modest increase, perhaps not significant for users.

Don't forget that the original model comes with an additional stand in the box for installing the device horizontally or vertically. However, in the new model, you'll get two plastic pieces to set up the device horizontally, but you'll need to purchase a separate external piece for vertical positioning.

Sony Is the Sole Beneficiary!

In the end, the positive impacts of the PS5 Slim might primarily be in Sony's favor, where the production cost will be lower compared to the original model. However, the price increase of $50 over the original digital version will likely enhance profit margins.

Comparing the PS5 Slim to the leaked version of the Xbox Series X Slim, internally codenamed "Brooklyn," Microsoft seems to offer a better deal to users. According to unconfirmed leaks, the device has a cylindrical shape, removes the disc drive, and provides 2 terabytes of internal storage—double the available space in the current model.

Sony might be introducing this new model to replace the current one as the main model. Some analysts believe that the PS5 Slim was supposed to be the initial release version, but Sony may have been delayed in finalizing its envisioned design.

In any case, do you plan to purchase the new model or not?

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