
Jusant Review: Exploring the Silent Narrative & Climbing Challenges

Dive into the world of Jusant in this insightful review, exploring its unique silent narrative style and challenging climbing mechanics. Discover the captivating storyline set in a geometric world, while delving into the game's artistic design and gameplay.

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Jusant Review Quick Review

The Earth has stopped rotating, and the sun is no longer moving. So you have to look for the last source of water to survive! IN ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT RELEASES OF THIS YEAR COMES TO US FROM THE FAMOUS DEVELOPER "DONTNOD" UNDER THE TITLE.. Jusant!

"DONTNOD" was previously known for working on the "Life is Strange" series, before its big releases were interrupted for three consecutive years. Then she will announce her next project, in which she aspires to deviate from the ordinary. Will it succeed in taking a new path away from the usual narrative orientation in its titles?

DEVELOPER: DON'T NOD. PUBLISHER: DON'T NOD. Game category: Adventure, Platformer, Fantasy. Platforms: (PC) (PS5) (Xbox Series S|X).

Release Date: 31-Oct-2023. Launch price: $24.99 Playing time: ~5 hours. Review version: (Xbox Series).




"Jusant" is a name given to an incident that caused the "water" to recede from a mountain called "Tower". Which is the last source of water after the earth was desertified as a result of its cessation of circulation, and the lack of rain.


The story tells of a boy who returns to his homeland, which is centered around a rocky mountain called "Tower". In an attempt to discover the cause of the accident that led to the drying up of the area after the receding water, in an incident called "Jusant". Its inhabitants are forced to migrate to look for a new source of water.

Legends have differed about the source of water falling from the top of the rocky mountain or "Tower", which despite the desertification of the earth and the almost lack of life on it after the rains stopped. However, it was the only area that still rained unusually constantly. As a result, many creatures settle around and over the course of their altitude!

Jusant adopts a "silent" narrative style in presenting her story, which does not contain any dialogues between the characters narrating her events. She is limited only to sharing her story through "written" letters between personalities who lived in this area before leaving.

Jusant Review: Exploring the Silent Narrative & Climbing Challenges game play

Image of the ancient civilization that existed in the 'Tower' or rock tower

  • The orientation of the "silent narrative" added a wonderful touch to her experience.
  •  The story carries a lot of feelings within it. Despite her lazy posing through "written" letters.
  • Elegant musical selections with a gameplay atmosphere.
  • X The story does not provide a clear definition of characters.
  • X Telling the story through "written" letters wasn't a good idea, although it does provide a lot of detail.
  • X The story has a somewhat vague ending, and does not provide a clear idea of the fate of the protagonist.
  • X The game time is short, with modest content.


The essence of "Jusant" lies in its unique gameplay, the basics of which are based on climbing up to the top of the Tower. This has made its mechanics the best possible, which has made the hardship of "climbing" a fun and challenging experience.

However, the gameplay as a whole is coherent in pace, and does not offer much development as the story progresses. Other than some methods that may help you to reach high heights that cannot be reached just by climbing!

This is reminiscent of Jusant modest content, with a game time of just 5 hours! Although it is not considered a "standalone" title per se, due to the size of the developer studio "DONTNOD" and its great potential. But it simply did not intensify work on it by allocating a larger development budget, and only provided a simple and inexpensive experience.

Jusant Review: Exploring the Silent Narrative & Climbing Challenges game play

"Climbing through a tunnel"

  • The climbing mechanisms are innovative and carry a lot of creativity.
  • A striking geometric design of its world, so that it always surprises you with many unexpected paths.
  • Great artistic orientation!
  • X The gameplay doesn't evolve much with progress.
  • X Limited side events, which are repeated throughout the game without offering any rewards.
  • X Many areas are empty in their world, and they have not been well exploited.
  • X This review is based on: 100% completion rate of major missions with many explorations and side events completed.

This review is based on: 100% completion rate of major missions with many explorations and side events completed. The bottom line

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